AME Blog

AME Blog
  If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you are responsible for making your organization function more effectively and efficiently. You might oversee a specific process and team. You might be the CEO or COO. You might be a front-line worker who has been empowered to continually make... More
AME Blog
  Once the immediate shock and terror wore off on September 11, 2001, I immediately thought of a loved one who was traveling that morning from Boston. I did not know what airline he was on or his flight number, and with the overloaded cellular network there was no way to check in with him. It wasn’t... More
AME Blog
  In a recent LinkedIn post, Jon Colby wrote, “Allow yourself to rest today and remind yourself that every small effort or good deed contributes to the greater good. You are enough.” If you attended last year’s AME conference, you surely remember Jon from the opening night celebration, and you... More
AME Blog
  The back-to-school season conjures several thoughts and emotions. Two weeks ago, I talked about how this time of year can inspire us to be lifelong learners and remind us of the importance of continually gaining knowledge that we can apply to our teams and enterprises. Beyond that, there are myriad... More
AME Blog
  In the past week, members of the AME community have experienced the highest highs and lowest lows. On Saturday, we learned that Mark Sessumes passed away unexpectedly. Mark was the statewide executive director of TMAC, the MEP for Texas. Beyond his day job, he was an AME volunteer who was committed... More
AME Blog
    It’s back-to-school time again: an exciting time that is brimming with possibility. There are middle school kids reluctantly loading their backpacks with new school supplies and wringing the last ounces of fun and freedom that summer offers. There are some parents who are excited to get their... More
AME Blog
    Peanut butter and jelly. Fish and chips. Tom & Jerry. There are things that we always associate together. When two things complement each other so perfectly, we’ve come to expect that when we hear one thing, the next will follow. In your workplace, you probably think of employee wellbeing... More
AME Blog
  After a year’s delay, the Olympics are in full-swing, and I’m reminded that they really have something for everyone. There’s the pageantry of the opening and closing ceremonies, the behind-the-scenes drama and comeback stories, and, of course, the tension and exhilaration of the competitions. There’s... More
AME Blog
    AME members and volunteers often share with me that they feel like they’re on a burning platform and faced with several competing priorities. I’ve heard this more frequently in the past 18 months as many of our member organizations find their bearings and chart a path forward on persistently... More
AME Blog
  We talk a lot about the “community” at AME. We are fortunate to be a part of a collaborative group of professionals who are focused on enterprise excellence. The AME mission to share, learn and grow is a great encapsulation of the mindset necessary to keep this community connected and moving forward. There... More
AME Blog
  At AME, we like to think of ourselves as a connector that helps our members find great insights and actionable lessons. When you participate in a virtual tour, when you join and network with an AME consortium, when you attend our conference or a summit, and even when you benchmark off past AME Excellence... More
AME Blog
    In the U.S. and Canada, the Independence Day and Canada Day holidays offer a chance to commemorate important national milestones. Informally, these days also mark about the one-third point of the summer. While I’m sad to type those words (no one wants to be the one who points out that summer... More
AME Blog
  The upcoming July 4th holiday in America has me thinking again about those who protect us and our freedoms. As I’ve stated before, military veterans are a pillar of the AME community. You play an important role in the organizations that we serve, and your military training complements the lean,... More
AME Blog
  Compassion. Work ethic. The biggest supporter of his kids and grandkids. Teacher. Mentor. Grill master. As we head into Father’s Day weekend, I asked the AME Home Team to describe their dads and what they meant in their life. The words I heard were things that reminded me of a good continuous improvement... More
AME Blog
  Isn’t funny when you know someone for years and then find out something tremendous about them. That’s the feeling I had when I recently learned that AME volunteer, Bill Baker, was recognized with the Engineer of Distinction Award from his alma mater, University of Mississippi. Many of you have... More
AME Blog
  Facebook has a funny way of transporting us to a different time and place. The daily reminders of our memories are an often-fun walk down memory lane. Each year, I’m reminded of the time I met Simon Cowell, a dinner out at a favorite restaurant, photos of the duck family that took up residency in... More
AME Blog
  Monday is Memorial Day in the U.S. It is a time when we honor those who have died serving our country. Like most U.S. businesses, AME will be closed on Monday, and I hope that our staff and our members — whether you are in the U.S. or another country — spend some time thinking about those who... More
AME Blog
  Around this time each year a new batch of graduates complete one chapter of their lives and enter a new phase that might include a new job, additional education, enlisting in the military, a gap year with a volunteer organization, or countless other opportunities. The graduation ceremony, itself,... More
AME Blog
  At this time last year, you were probably hunting for toilet paper, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Now a year later, there has been a mad rush at U.S. gas stations for a very different reason. The supply chain disruption caused by this week’s cyberattack has caused significant interruptions... More
AME Blog
  If there was a job description for the role of mother, “multitasker” would be the first bullet point. I was fortunate to grow up with a mother who was a skilled multitasker. She had to be because she raised five children — including two sets of twins — all born in a three-year window! Her... More
AME Blog
  Members of the lean, continuous improvement community are always seeking knowledge. It is not uncommon to participate in a conversation about the books that got you started on your lean journey and what you are reading now. Or to come across someone sharing a training course, YouTube video, article,... More
AME Blog
  “To achieve true production efficiency,” AME volunteer Glenn Marshall wrote in a 2020 Target article, “a company must cut down on environmental waste including raw material consumption, energy and water use and pollution.” As we conclude National Volunteer Week and on the heels of Earth Day,... More
AME Blog
  April 18 marks the start of National Volunteer Week in the U.S. and Canada. As a volunteer-supported, nonprofit association, AME knows well the importance of volunteerism. We count on our volunteers to help us identify meaningful programming for our conference, summits and other events. Volunteers... More
AME Blog
  As the vaccines continue to roll out and we see continued signs of a return to “normal,” do not be knocked down by the adversity that we will certainly still encounter along the way. There will be hurdles. They are inevitable, but that doesn’t mean that those bumps in the road have to derail... More
AME Blog
  Throughout my career, other lean practitioners, leaders, and organizations I observed have opened my eyes to new ideas, methods and tools. Going to the gemba and hearing others’ experiences have been transformative for how I learn and grow. Before becoming AME’s president and CEO, I was a member... More
AME Blog
  With springtime comes the annual tradition of spring break. It’s too early for reliable 2021 spring break travel data, but anecdotally, I have seen images of spring breakers visiting warmer climates while also hearing from others who are reluctant to travel. Whichever camp you fall into — a traveler... More
AME Blog
  Spring is a time of rebirth. Flowers bloom. Birds migrate north. People – especially those in colder climates – begin to emerge from hibernation. When spring officially starts tomorrow, it will seem different this year. It is not just the leaves on the trees that are returning. As vaccinations... More
AME Blog
  On this International Women’s Day, I want to call attention to the role women play in our community. Many of us have influential women in your lives. These could be women with a formal leadership position, a mentor, a peer or even someone you heard at a past AME event or conference. I am fortunate... More
AME Blog
  We live in disruptive times. Sometimes it’s a company that disrupts an industry like when Uber, Amazon and Airbnb disrupted taxi services, stores and travel. Other times — as we’ve experienced this past year — disruptions may come from a pandemic or weather events. If necessity is the mother... More
AME Blog
  Ideas and people need a champion. For an idea, the champion advocates and evangelizes while building an alliance to support the idea’s adoption. For people, the champion empowers, mentors and sponsors individuals to accomplish more. Both roles for a champion are important. A champion needs vision... More
AME Blog
  “Working remotely” took on a whole new meaning when NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars yesterday. Every time NASA has landed a rover on Mars it has been a tremendous feat of ingenuity and engineering, and the current mission upped the ante even further. As you might know, Perseverance... More
AME Blog
    You might have heard the phrase “Teamwork makes the dream work.” It’s corny, for sure, but that doesn’t make it any less accurate. Coming on the heels of last weekend’s Super Bowl, the idea of teamwork is fresh in my mind. When you watch a team come together to accomplish a goal, you’ll... More
