Executive Committee
Rich Fitzgerald, Past Chair
Nelson Miller Group/Partner Kore-Company
Billy Taylor, Chair
Peggy Gulick, Treasurer
General Motors
VP Innovation and Optimization
Robert Martichenko, Chair-Elect
TrailPaths LLC
Bart Reimer, Secretary
Charter Steel
Vice President of Operations
Ellis A. Jones, Director-at-Large
Timkensteel Corp
Independent Director
Marc Kuzik, M.Sc., P.Eng., Director-at-Large
Continuous Improvement Manager
Michael (Mickey) McCallion, Director-at-Large
Ellen Sieminski, Director-at-Large
Gerber Collision & Glass
Sr. Director, Continuous Improvement & Operations Support
Wayne Meyer, Director-At-Large
Teijin Automotive Technologies
Vice President of Operations
Larry Anderson, Voting Regional President
President, Southwest Region
Terry Spalding, Voting Regional President
President, Midwest Region and President Council Chair
D. Keith Hamilton, Director-At-Large
Georgia-Pacific Corrugated LLC
Vice President Operations
AME’s board consists of a trusted network of individuals who volunteer their time and industry expertise to ensure that AME fulfills its mission to inspire a commitment to enterprise excellence through shared learning and access to best practices. If you are interested in contacting the AME board of directors, please email Khumphrey@ame.org.