From the CEO: Celebrating the AME family's collaborative nature

AME | September 26, 2024

Last week, I wrote about the wonderful event we held with our AME Champions Club and Cleveland Consortia, which prompted me to celebrate the collaborative nature of our AME family. If you ask people what they cherish most about AME, it’s the peer-to-peer networking and learning, the open sharing of best practices and the comradery of the people. I would concur. AME members live and breathe our mission “to inspire a commitment to enterprise excellence through experiential learning by bringing people together to share, learn and grow.”

Since I was welcomed into the AME family as a volunteer over 10 years ago by connector extraordinaire Glenn Marshall, AME Southeastern Region Board member, many members have reached out to share resources, invite me on tours and showcase the best of the industry. That truly is the beauty of AME that has sustained us the past 40 years.

Sharing and collaboration truly are the heart of AME. Rick Wiltse, AME Cleveland Consortia facilitator, shared this about his most recent AME Champions Club/Consortia event. It was “several days of collaboration and learning! This event gives proof that when several factions of AME collaborate, everyone benefits. I plan to see more of this in the years to come! “

Manoj Mohta, continuous improvement director of Avalign Technologies, shared, “We are proud to be an active member of the AME community, and our executive leadership deeply values the consortia as true partners in our shared journey of growth. We were thrilled to welcome some of the most respected leaders in the continuous improvement space to our operations. Their recognition and praise for our team members was an incredible honor, and this experience was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our employees who have embraced continuous improvement in their everyday work. We don’t have enough words to express our appreciation for everything they did to uplift and motivate our workforce.”

Someone else who shares that collaborative and giving spirit is AME Home Team member Sara O’Hara. I featured O’Hara in my weekly CEO letter in April, “9 questions with AME’s long-time Home Team member Sara O’Hara.” This week, I am proud to announce O’Hara’s promotion to senior manager, conferences & events. As you know, O’Hara has been a dedicated part of the AME family for the past 20 years, bringing her expertise and passion to everything she does. Please join me in congratulating her on this well-deserved promotion and thanking her for her long-standing commitment to AME’s success. I know she will continue to excel!

Sara O'Hara, senior manager, conferences & events, AME

I would be remiss if I commended O’Hara without also mentioning her loyal and collaborative co-worker, Ari. A dedicated worker who shows up every day, puts up with her other co-workers and provides joy to everyone, Ari deserves recognition for her faithfulness (well, maybe simply tolerance) to the entire AME family.

Loyal co-worker Ari

We look forward to seeing you all at the AME Atlanta 2024 International Conference in October, where you will see the results of two years of conference, AME Home Team and volunteer collaboration. It is going to be the best conference yet as we celebrate AME’s 40th birthday! And it is not too late to sign up. AME Board chair Rich Fitzgerald shares how being a part of AME has inspired him over the years, how AME has amplified his career and why he will be attending AME Atlanta 2024. Please interact with our post here and watch Fitzgerald’s video.

Finally, I want personally express my support and prayers for those AME family members in the path of Hurricane Helene.

As always, please stay safe and keep looking out for one another.