AME is proud to support and celebrate Manufacturing Day once again in 2015. This year’s event, scheduled for October 2nd, is a celebration of manufacturing and an opportunity to inspire future manufacturers and raise awareness and address issues and challenges facing manufacturing as an industry. It’s also an opportunity to showcase manufacturing as a source of high-paying, highly-skilled jobs.
Last year, 1,679 events were held across North America in each of the 50 states including participation from more than 260,000 individuals. Sixty percent of these individuals were students. Already this year, more than 150 Manufacturing Day events are in the works.
AME encourages its members to get involved in Manufacturing Day by hosting public tours, open houses and special events.
This year, the organizers of Manufacturing Day are hosting a webinar on June 8 – Getting Involved in Manufacturing Day 2015. If your organization is interested in getting involved in hosting a Manufacturing Day event or activity this year, register for the Getting Involved in Manufacturing Day Webinar.