The Mid-Atlantic Region includes Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. AME’s regional boards are made up of dedicated and passionate volunteers who contribute their time and expertise to help local companies improve their competitiveness and overall success through shared learning and access to best practices. Gain insight into AME certification programs and hear from our Mid-Atlantic Region president. The newsletter is viewable online and also can be downloaded.
(USA) Mid-Atlantic Upcoming Events

Patrick Paciorkowski
Vice President. Membership
Roche Molecular Systems

Jim Mikulski
President, Mid-Atlantic Region
EntEx Solutions, LLC.

Sara Abshari
Immediate Past President, Mid-Atlantic Region

Maryse Bourdages
Lallemand Baking

Robert Cenek
Minerals Technologies, Inc.

Danette Conley

Jeff Fuchs

Michael Galbus
QFix, Inc

Andrew Johnson
Dentsply Sirona Global Restorative SBU

Scott Laundry

Justin Sturek
Raymond Corporation

Lisa Weis
Engage Excellence, LLC

Robert A. Cartia

Tom Uhlig