Keynote Speaker
Richard Sheridan

Fight fear, embrace change: Run the experiment

Wednesday, Nov. 1 Location Code
8:00am-9:15am Huntington Convention Center WK/04
About Richard Sheridan

“Joy, Inc.” and “Chief Joy Officer” author Richard Sheridan is the CEO, chief storyteller and co-founder of Menlo Innovations, a company that brings joy to the world through software. When Sheridan decided to start his own company, he and his partners decided that the company’s purpose would be to bring joy to the world through software and to teach this method to others.

Sheridan was featured on the cover of Forbes magazine in 2003, sharing his “hire yourself” story with the world. Sheridan and his message of joyful leadership have been featured in press outlets ranging from Inc, Forbes and New York magazines to Bloomberg, U.S. News & World Report, NPR’s On Point podcast, NPR’s All Things Considered, and the Harvard Business Review. His videos for organizations such as Gemba Academy, VitalSmarts and the Arbinger Institute continue to inspire audiences worldwide. He was inducted into the Shingo Academy in 2022 for his work supporting the principles of organizational excellence.

Menlo has received worldwide notice for its unique culture, including recognition by Inc. Magazine as the most joyful company in America. Menlo has also been recognized by the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility for 11 straight years and has received a lifetime achievement award for Freedom at Work from WorldBlu, as well as five revenue awards from Inc. magazine. Today people come to Menlo from all over the world—nearly 20,000 in the past seven years alone—to learn about Menlo and how they can create a culture of joy in their own organizations.