Manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy, was at the forefront of the recovery that began in June 2009. North American manufacturers continue to show growth in orders, employment and exports, and economists are forecasting expansion will be sustained in 2013. These forecasts seem to be supported by the Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturing index report. The February index registered 54.2 percent, reflecting the highest PMI since June 2011, when the index registered 55.8 percent. Fifty is the dividing line between expansion and contraction.
Will the strengthening trend continue? Or will we stagnate and continue the offshoring of manufacturing that has led to the loss of many jobs? AME believes manufacturing is critically important to the long-term health of the entire North American economy. It urges manufacturers to revitalize their businesses before it's too late. We believe that the most important reason to bring manufacturing back and grow it in this region is that the ability to manufacture underpins our ability to innovate in many fields. To revitalize our industry, we must learn how to achieve enterprise excellence through innovation around our people, processes and products.
On April 15-18, in the heart of beautiful San Antonio, we will bring you the best examples of how forward-thinking leaders are achieving successes right here at home at the AME Spring Conference 2013. The program is designed for attendees to share experiences, learn from other practitioners, build skills in workshops and see firsthand examples through learning tours at companies such as Toyota, CFAN Company and Johnson Controls. Most importantly, attendees will see and experience strong ideas and best practices to bring back to their companies.
Practitioner presentations in three vital competency areas of leadership, innovation and supply chain will share their experiences innovating in organizations and technology to compete on the world stage. For example, hear how companies are using technology such as 3D printing to provide customized solutions transforming industries and creating new opportunities. Learn how Roche Molecular Systems is breaking the mold in pharmaceutical manufacturing to create flow and drive lead-time improvement.
Find out about Barry-Wehmiller's Living Legacy of Leadership (L3). Learn the three fundamental elements of a leadership development program. Learn why U.S. companies pay too much for materials and what Cogent Power is doing to strengthen the supply chain.
Choose to tour San Antonio companies such as CFAN, a team-oriented enterprise with a can-do attitude. See CFAN's strong culture of teaming and its implementation of lean tools.
Finally, there are 16 workshops led by some of industry’s leading consultants. San Antonio will feature keynote speakers such as Art Byrne who used a lean strategy to turn around more than 30 companies in 14 different countries. Or learn from Kellie Johnson, president of ACE Clearwater Enterprises, who will share how she led her company to accelerate its people and their learning process to build and maintain its competitive advantage and bringing excitement to the world of manufacturing.
Attendees will find enough breadth and depth in this conference to help them build their own plans and bring back ideas to their companies to revitalize their manufacturing businesses. A critical part of the program will be the capability for all registrants to create a personal conference schedule of presentations that meet their needs through the Conference Registration Portal.
The AME Spring Conference 2013 isn’t just talking about revitalization, it is about sharing practical ideas and information attendees can take back to their own companies and put to work. Will the trend to manufacture offshore continue to grow? Or will we strive for the revitalization and bold growth of manufacturing in North America? It is up to us. Don’t miss this opportunity.
For more information and to register, visit See you in April.