White Paper: A Manufacturing Marshall Plan

About the Manufacturing Marshall Plan

The United States and its North American neighbors are battling a global war on the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected every element of the economy. From manufacturing to health care, education to finance, and service to entertainment, there have been no industries that have been left untouched by the coronavirus pandemic. For manufacturing, this abrupt change to the economy has revealed the negative impact of decades of offshoring, the opportunity for new manufacturing innovations, and the need for an industry 4.0-ready workforce.

Download AME's white paper, "A Manufacturing Marshall Plan: Revitalizing the post-pandemic economy by bringing manufacturing capabilities and jobs back to North America," today. 


What people are saying about the Manufacturing Marshall Plan

"The AME Manufacturing Marshall Plan will play a key role in reducing our goods trade deficit by 20 to 30 percent, increasing U.S. manufacturing by 40 percent or five million jobs. This fundamental rebalancing will take 20 years. This plan is the right start. Now is the right time!"
 — Harry C. Moser, Founder and President, Reshoring Initiative

"Relative to the lean supply chain, all we are attempting to do is to 'maximize customer value at the lowest possible total cost to the business all while showing respect to people and our communities.' Bringing manufacturing back to North America will help with this goal. This white paper is the perfect vehicle to get this important conversation started. Congratulations to AME’s leadership in directing this dialogue."
 — Robert Martichenko, CEO, LeanCor Supply Chain

"The AME Manufacturing Marshall Plan gives clear guidance and an action plan to get American industry back 'on property!' Bringing back manufacturing creates substantial productivity improvements and greatly increases innovation and investment. These benefits also enhance one another and the Manufacturing Marshall Plan sets the framework to achieve this."
 — Jim Huntzinger, Founder and president, Lean Frontiers, Inc.

"Smart manufacturing technologies will be central to the work of reconsidering supply chains and building up our national manufacturing capabilities. Developing a workforce with the skills and training necessary is also critical to our nation’s competitiveness. The Manufacturing Marshall Plan recognizes and emphasizes the importance of workforce development to the future of manufacturing, which is just one reason why it’s worth serious consideration and implementation."
 — Jeanine Kunz, vice president, Tooling U-SME