
Sponsor showcase: SA Partners

TPM: A foundation of operational excellence
Wednesday, Oct. 20 Location Code
3:00pm-3:20pm Virtual

Times listed in EDT.

Join us for an introduction to the 11-step TPM model. TPM is a system that will unlock the capability of both your people and your assets. Great TPM provides a framework where physical assets are introduced, managed and retired with a plan for their full lifecycle. One of the primary drivers of TPM is to improve the reliability of equipment (in any area, not just manufacturing). By implementing TPM, you will improve your ability to deliver products on time and in full, as well as improve quality and reduce failure. This will, in turn, enable you to focus on the delivery of the four zero’s of world-class manufacturing: Zero waste, zero accidents, zero defects and zero breakdowns. TPM should be seen as a key foundation of every operational excellence journey.