TWI Institute 
Beginner level
Intermediate level

TWI: An essential ingredient in standardization

Establish work standards and gain TWI skills
Monday, Oct. 18 Location Code
2:30pm-6:30pm Virtual MW/20

Times listed in EDT.

This content is live only and will not be available on-demand.


This workshop will provide a unified theory of standardized work in its relationship to Training Within Industry (TWI).


In 2018 and 2019, groups from the TWI Institute spent time in Japan with Mr. Isao Kato, who is known internally at Toyota as the “father of standardized work and kaizen courses." Kato spent 35 years with Toyota in a variety of management positions in manufacturing, HR, training and development, and supplier development. Kato entrusted the TWI Institute and its partners with the exclusive rights to extend his program so that, in his words, “…it is accessible to people outside of Japan.” In this workshop you will learn of and experience:

  • The "why" and the "what" of the TWI skills of job relations, job instruction, job methods and job safety.
  • The 5 "step-ups" of standardization.
  • A practical, logical approach to standard work that will enlighten and help you understand how standardization came to be in Toyota through the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s in particular.


TWI Institute is a nonprofit organization that resurrected the successful TWI Program in 2001 in Syracuse, NY. The institute has since created a rapidly expanding network of over 1,200 TWI Institute certified trainers who deliver the TWI program in the manufacturing, health care, construction and service industries worldwide. The TWI Institute is the global leader in TWI implementation, trainer certification and education for TWI practitioners and business leaders. The institute also delivers innovative kata programs providing a complete system for learning and putting kata into practice.


Patrick Graupp began his training career at the Sanyo Electric Corporate Training Center in Japan, where he learned to deliver TWI from his mentor Kazuhiko Shibuya. He earned an MBA from Boston University while heading Sanyo's global training effort. Graupp partnered with Bob Wrona in 2001 to conduct TWI pilot projects in Syracuse, New York. This became the foundation for the TWI Institute, which has since trained a rapidly expanding network of more than 1,300 certified trainers now delivering TWI training in the manufacturing, health care, construction, energy and service industries in the U.S. and around the globe. 


Oscar Roche believes that excellence in business lies in the development of people's capabilities. This belief, combined with extensive operations management experience, helps him to add value to any organization. Across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia, Roche specializes in developing the TWI frontline leadership skills of leading, instructing and improving, and the improvement and coaching kata patterns outlined in Mike Rother's book “Toyota Kata”. Now a TWI Institute Toyota Kata master trainer, Roche helps companies achieve genuine and sustained improvement.