Create leadership capabilities to improve workforce productivity and profit
Boost productivity, top-line performance and employee engagement as you build robust leadership capabilities; employ coaching/communication, leader standard work and effective metrics to increase leadership capabilities; use the lean tool set, focusing on people first and then process; gain strategies for cultural change.
Learn how to align your organization and improve leader behaviors, for greater top-line revenue and productivity as well as decreased costs. Build and sustain top performance through effective coaching and communication. Create a dream team of engaged, competent leaders who understand how to enhance team involvement in continuous improvement activities. Gain information about ways to apply the lean tool set to your leadership and team development. Understand why it’s essential to focus on people first, and then process. Hear about measuring and improving team performance as you foster high-performing, heartbeat leaders. Learn useful strategies for cultural change, employee engagement and leader standard work. Get pointers on daily management meetings and training.
Training Modernization Group’s (TMG) mission is building programs and systems to provide clients with employees with the right skills at the right time and cost, in the right numbers, for improved business performance. This team of highly-engaged professionals provides values-driven program management services. Its vision for every client is an agile, competent workforce moving at the speed of the business. The firm is committed to continuous improvement and strives for long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with partners.
Joe Barto is the president and founder of Training Modernization Group (TMG), Inc. A retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, he was chief of current operations during Operation Desert Shield for the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) and served during Operation Desert Storm. He holds a BS degree in engineering, U.S. Military Academy and a master’s degree in public administration, James Madison University. Founder of the Vet-STRONG program, he is a board member for the AME Southeast Region and the New Horizons Regional Education Center Foundation.
Andy Corbett, a TMG program manager, joined the firm in 2012 through Virginia Values Veterans. He holds a degree in administrative justice from the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. Corbett joined the Virginia Army National Guard and was deployed three times; as a Sapper company squad leader in Baghdad, he was critically wounded by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). After a lengthy recovery, he became a counter-IED instructor, studied meta-network analysis and pursued a degree in social psychology from American Military University.