Meet the CEO thought leaders who are taking the lead in the manufacturing renaissance!
Learn from these leaders about the leadership behaviors and cultural elements that make up people-centered organizations; hear first-hand about innovative approaches that leaders embrace in their organizations; through a highly-interactive question/answer opportunity, hear how a true focus and emphasis on people, coupled with enterprise excellence, drives real engagement and results.
Continuous Improvement, coupled with people-centric leadership, is the secret to your organization’s success. Come share, learn and grow, hearing from exceptional CEOs who lead extraordinary, successful companies! AME brought together founding CEO members, along with a wider circle of outstanding leaders, to broaden and deepen the movement toward people-centric leadership. These exemplary leaders will share the message of what people-centric organizations look like, what it means to intentionally focus on people and the power and benefits of PCL. Hear directly from leaders who effectively practice PCL, coupled with enterprise excellence. They will share their personal thoughts, experiences and takeaways in this groundbreaking event. Join this highly-interactive session, where each CEO will share how people-centric leadership manifests itself throughout his or her organization and strategies, as well as PCL tools and practices they each embrace.