Lean Applications, LLC 
Intermediate level

Lean boot camp

Lean Yellow Belt Certification class
Monday, Oct. 28 Location Code
8:00am-5:00pm Atlanta Marriott Marquis MW/07


This content will not be available on-demand.


Culture is contagious if deployed correctly. This workshop will explore examples of how you can eliminate waste throughout your value stream. The focus of manufacturing today is continuous improvement of safety, quality, productivity, delivery, morale, cost and inventory. The workshop will show different ways of addressing these focal points by using lean tools and creative employee thinking. Several case studies will be demonstrated with incredible results. Rejuvenate your operation by applying lean principles in a fun and engaging way that has produced proven results. This workshop highlights the critical elements and "must-know" concepts and critical lean tools for driving effective, positive change in your organization.

Key learning objectives

1. Understand the language of Lean that anyone can understand.
2. Learn critical thinking elements that all leaders should know in order to successfully lead people and manage processes.
3. Create system thinking and understanding of how cost is related to decisions.
4. Learn tools that you can immediately implement at your company to engage your workforce and instantly uncover waste.
5. Develop key measurement systems and accountability processes.

Interactive components

Learn the Affinity Process, which allows you to cut any meeting in half by capturing the ideas in the minds of team members quickly with questions, structure and sticky notes. We will do a tennis ball exercise to show Kaizen and elimination of waste. We will also do a team competition of Lean Jeopardy.


Lean Applications, LLC. has a mission to support the customer's journey in their search for real results by sharing its practical experience through workshops, certification, consulting and proven solutions. The company helps practitioners create a model of excellence they can spread throughout the enterprise and teaches tool and concepts such as waste identification, visual management, gemba leadership and kaizen systems for sustainment. 


Mark Preston has been driving change in manufacturing, office and sales environments for 30+ years. After graduating from Georgia Tech, he studied kaizen manufacturing techniques in Japan with TDK. After 11 years with TDK, he held various executive operations positions at Respironics / Phillips, including setting up global sourcing for Respironics, creating the Respironics Supplier Development Program and heading the compan’scompan’s Asthma and Allergy Division. After eight years, he became the director of the Acuity Business System at Acuity Brands Lighting and, later, vice president of supplier development and operational excellence.

After Acuity, Preston created his own company, Lean Applications, and continues to help companies all over the globe reach their potential for excellence. Preston was the director of the AME (Association of Manufacturing Excellence) Champions Club and served on its National Board. His book “Southern Sensei” takes readers on an engaging application-based approach to further their lean journey. Preston also helped write and launch the AME Lean Sensei Assessment, which helps companies assess their progress on their lean journey. Preston is a keynote speaker for organizations across the U.S., including APICS, CSCMP, MODEX, CME, SCOPE and IMPACT Manufacturing. As a founder, Preston is excited to continue his passion of teaching and sharing through Lean Applications.