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The 3P Process - A creative catalyst for change

Using innovation to solve complex business problems


Practitioner Presentation



Discover creative problem-solving through hands-on activities used to solve complex, significant business problems with Madonna Buhr.


Discover creative ways to solve complex business problems through the application of the Production, Preparation Process (3P). When doing what we have always done is not getting results, it’s time to think differently. Learn about this highly effective, innovative approach for understanding the current state and radically redesigning processes, tools and equipment for new products, services or processes. Learn about exercises you can use to get your teams to think differently quickly, uncover breakthroughs needed to transform the business and solve challenging problems. Reduce the complexity of production processes by mapping the flow (or lack thereof), eliminating waste, building the right-sized equipment and creating mock-ups to experiment. Bring 3P learning back to your production line or office environment and transform!


Every day, Ameren works hard to provide more reliable energy, reduce outages and restore power faster than ever before. It’s all part of its ongoing commitment to keep pace with future energy needs as it proudly continues to serve, support and invest in the communities it calls home. Ameren is a Fortune 500 company that trades on the NY Stock Exchange under the symbol AEE. Ameren’s name comes from the combination of the words American and Energy. Ameren employs more than 9,000 employees and powers the quality of life for 2.4 million electric customers and more than 900,000 natural gas customers across a 64,000 square mile area.

Ameren Missouri ranks as the largest electric power provider in Missouri, and Ameren Illinois ranks as the third largest natural gas distribution operation in total number of customers. Ameren companies generate a net capacity of nearly 10,200 megawatts of electricity and own more than 7,500 circuit miles of transmission lines. Ameren’s rates are some of the lowest in the nation.


Madonna Buhr is a recognized continuous process improvement leader with success and experience in supply chain, office/non-factory and the shop floor. She’s served in a variety of industries, including aerospace, healthcare, social services, and public utilities. Buhr is currently the senior continuous improvement engagement and transformation office manager for Ameren, a Missouri and Illinois public electric and gas utility company.

In her 40 years at Boeing, she was a material handling/packaging engineer, operations foreman, and a Lean/CI practitioner and manager. She’s been with Ameren for the last six years. Buhr has led organizational transformations with significant improvements, guiding leaders, teams, and projects to increase productivity, cost savings, change management, and innovative breakthrough process design, resulting in improved business performance. Buhr uses the Production, Preparation, Process (3P) to redesign factories, warehouses, social service agencies and emergency departments based on flow.