These are the various session styles that will be offered at the AME San Diego 2018 conference:
Practitioner Presentation (1 hour):
50-minute PowerPoint presentation given by lean practitioners (no consultants) + 10-minute Q&A.
Deep Dive Session (1 hour):
Continuation of keynote/practitioner presentation + Q&A or session with subject matter experts + Q&A.
Speed Chat with Experts (2 hours):
Panel session with senior leaders/subject matter experts. First hour will be presentations by panelists + Q&A / second hour will be
panelists rotating around small groups.
Panel Discussion (1 hour):
Panel session with senior leaders/subject matter experts + Q&A (no rotation by panelists).
Idea Exchange (1 hour):
Each session has a different topic for discussion with a facilitator guiding the dialogue. Attendees can ask questions of the group and share their
ideas and perspectives.
Speednetworking (1 hour):
A high-impact and structured event that produces exceptional results. Get engaged by enhancing your networking opportunities by being in control of
who you connect with.
Workshop (4-hours):
Highly interactive session (i.e. simulations) which includes specific takeaways, provides information such as problem identification, lean tool selection,
success verification and much more. Helps inspire attendees toward world-class competitiveness.