Beginner level
Intermediate level
Advanced level

Leadership for an engaged culture

People-centric leadership 101



This full-day workshop will explore leadership behaviors and management systems that support a thriving and engaged culture. Interactive exercises, discussions, and reflection will provide participants with a learning experience to help them build strong relationships, develop capability, and drive continuous improvement to achieve the value driven purpose of an organization.


An engaged and thriving culture is a key differentiator for success in today's globally competitive marketplace. The question is: How does leadership curate this culture? This workshop will evaluate how traditional leadership behaviors and management systems may or may not support this culture and what we need to do differently.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • The value and benefits of building a people-centric culture
  • The key leadership behaviors necessary to build a people-centric culture
  • The link between building a people-centric culture and the lean/CI tools
  • The importance of instituting management systems that support a people-centric culture.
  • Take away exercises and a list of videos to share with your teams to begin building a more engaged culture and a strategy for creating a people-centric culture.


The AME people-centric leadership (PCL) team was established to assist AME in achieving its vision of a manufacturing renaissance driven by people-centric leadership and powered by enterprise excellence. The team develops, researches, and benchmarks best practices to provide resources to inspire individuals and their organizations to cultivate a people-centric culture. 

The Delaware MEP is the official representative of the MEP National Network in Delaware. The MEP National Network™ consists of 51 MEP Centers, one in every state and Puerto Rico. It is a unique public-private partnership that delivers comprehensive, proven solutions to U.S. manufacturers, fueling growth and advancing U.S. manufacturing.


Lisa Weis is a people-centric, Lean and continuous improvement expert with over 25 years of demonstrated success in helping hundreds of public and private organizations achieve their vision and meet their strategic goals by engaging people, implementing enterprise excellence and inspiring innovation. Weis was part of the core team that developed the U.S. National Lean Initiative to help small to medium-sized manufacturers become more globally competitive as part of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program. She is currently the Lean Program director for the Delaware MEP. Weis has a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering. She is the director of people-centric leadership for the Association of Manufacturing Excellence, AME, management team and a member of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Board for AME.