- Supplier development and procurement
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Achieve the full benefit of lean techniques by learning to use Shiego Shingo's Scientific Thinking Mechanism (STM).
Long before Shigeo Shingo introduced the west to quick changeover and mistake-proofing, he laid out a ‘basic conceptual approach for improvement,’ which he called The Scientific Thinking Mechanism, STM. This less-well-known metascience, fundamental to achieving the full benefit of lean techniques, was Shingo’s legacy to continuous improvement based, as he said, on the superior ideas of his predecessors and overlaid with Shingo’s 50 years of practical experience implementing improvement across many industries. STM’s 4-Stages provide an incisive approach to problem solving that underlays all of the social and technical aspects of successful lean transformation. Referring to STM as “Shingo’s Kata,” Shingo Prize Examiners and Institute Instructors, Bruce Hamilton and Larry Anderson examine each of STM’s 4 Stage process, demonstrating how these ground and amplify well-known lean best practices.
GBMP is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote continuous improvement.
Resource Syncing offers lean consulting to mid-market organizations.
Bruce Hamilton is President of GBMP, a Boston-based non-profit founded in 1994 that provides lean and Six Sigma assistance to manufacturing, healthcare and service organizations. Prior to joining GBMP, Bruce spent thirty years in manufacturing, leading his factory to a Shingo Prize award in 1990. From 1996 to 1998, his factory was also a project site for the Toyota Production System Support Center (TSSC.)
Bruce is author and actor in the 2004 Shingo Prize winning video, Toast Kaizen and co-author of the comprehensive multimedia training package, e2 Continuous Improvement System, which combines GBMP’s acclaimed video content with self-study workbooks, classroom learning and workplace practice. He also co-authored for the Shingo Institute, an authoritative analysis of the Shingo Model’s Dimension 2, "Continuous Improvement." In 2000 he was inducted in the Shingo Prize Academy and in 2015 was inducted into the AME Manufacturing Hall of Fame.
Larry Anderson is a Bronze, Silver, and Gold certified lean practitioner (AME, Shingo, SME) with over 40 years of operational excellence experience. He has a deep understanding of Shingo Model principles and applications gained through an 18+ year association with the model; 20+ assessment site visits, many of them, as the senior examiner/team lead; numerous application desktop assessments; participation in the Shingo publication review process; and assisting two recent Shingo Institute Medallion recipients. Larry is certified and competent in the facilitation of all Shingo Institute workshops. He received a BSME degree from Texas Tech University, is a registered professional engineer, serves as a Shingo representative on the lean certification oversight and appeals committee, is President of the AME Southwest region, and is co-editor of GBMP’s Shingo Model Series Book “Continuous Improvement.”