Learn how the U.S. DOE's Better Plants program helps manufacturers improve energy efficiency.
In 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) launched an industrial technology validation initiative to help partners in DOE’s Better Plants program overcome the risks inherent in adopting emerging technologies. The Industrial Technology Validation pilot is partnering with DOE’s National Labs to validate performance in dynamic industrial environments. Better Plants partners applied in round one with technologies that they wanted to have tested by an independent third party. For each partner, the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab sent specialists onsite to baseline energy consumption going to an existing process and then later to measure the energy consumption from a process or technology that was intended to be more efficient that the previous version. The high-level results will be shared broadly and help understand the viability of a solution while mitigating many of the risks associated with being the first to install an emerging technology.
The Department of Energy is delivering a clean energy future that creates good-paying, union jobs for communities in every pocket of the U.S. www.energy.gov
For more than twenty years, Robert Lung has supported energy efficiency and clean energy programs through research and analysis of best practices and technologies as well as outreach and policy analysis on behalf of federal, private sector and non-governmental organizations. Lung currently serves as a senior technical advisor at BGS, LLC working with the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office, where he supports the better plants and other technical partnership programs by helping with expansion of industry participation and ensuring that the programs offer value to manufacturers and industrial-scale energy users. Lung serves on the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to PC 242, the advisory committee to the Industrial Energy Technologies Conference (IETC) and the Horizon 2020 Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency project.