Lean IT Strategies 
Beginner level
Intermediate level
Advanced level

Problem solving 4.0

Lean thinking and skills for the fourth industrial revolution
Monday, Oct. 9 Location Code
8:00am-5:00pm Sheraton, 2nd floor, Independence East MW/04

Data-driven problem solving, experimentation and decision making are hallmarks of continuous improvement and innovation. Today’s digitally enhanced, connected environment significantly increases the amount and types of data available for smart enterprises to leverage, to improve customer value. The greatest value lies in elevating the capability of teams, across the enterprise, to selectively and effectively utilize data to rapidly solve problems and identify opportunities, creating a learning organization.


In this workshop, attendees will learn how to:

  • Expand team capabilities for a variety of problem solving applications, including A3, kata, lean dtartup, DMAIC, in the contexts of kaizen, value dtream analysis, and hoshin kanri
  • Identify different types of data, to select the most useful data for each problem or opportunity
  • Improve data quality
  • Better utilize your existing data
  • Identify new, value-adding data sources
  • Adapt the traditional A3 problem-first method, to “data-first” application, expanding team capabilities to use either method, as appropriate
  • Blend physical and “virtual” gemba to better understand customer needs
  • Leverage digital tools to promote virtual team collaboration.

Lean IT Strategies' mission is to help its clients thrive through capability development, education and strategic advisory services to create a lean learning organization. The company is a recipient of the Shingo Prize. www.leanitstrategies.com

Presenters: Steve Bell / Karen Whitley Bell

Steve Bell is a Shingo Prize-winning pioneer and thought leader in the application of lean principles to technology. He is on the faculty of the Lean Enterprise Institute. He has championed the convergence and collaboration across business and technology communities through shared lean principles and management practices to help enterprises simultaneously achieve operational excellence and rapid innovation. In 2005, Bell is the author of three books, “Run Grow Transform,” “Lean IT” and “Lean Enterprise Systems.” 

Karen Whitley Bell served as editor and contributor of Steve Bell’s books, articles, keynotes and other publications. In 2014, she retired from a 20-year health care career to collaborate in all aspects of Lean IT Strategies, LLC, including coaching, capability development, transformation guidance, workshop and master class delivery on digitization, big data and lean practices.