- People-centric leadership
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Do you desire to become a better improvement coach/leader? If you accept the data that shows most organizations are NOT highly effective in their improvement endeavors, then company leaders, department leaders, team leaders and political leaders must bear some responsibility for this result.
It is hard work, in terms of the discipline required, to do this well. And perhaps our assumptions and beliefs hinder our ability to see the actual reality of a situation. We need to learn how to set our misguided beliefs/assumptions aside. Many of the improvement tools are underutilized. They are powerful so improvement happens when we use them, but more could be done.
If you want to make more of a difference, learn how to make it happen in this workshop. Champions in any sport practice to win consistently. They get better and better at improving their skills and capabilities. They realize they are never perfect, have more to learn, and cannot win without a team of people surrounding them also committed to learning, getting better, and operating at a championship level of performance.
Learn four foundational actions you can practice; then apply them to the way you use improvement tools, the way you coach and become a better leader.
Key learning objectives
- Leave with two or three actions to practice improving the way you use improvement tools like Leader Standard Work, Gemba Walks, Huddle meetings and the way you lead.
- Learn ways to positively influence people who are not on your team in order to be more effective inside your organization.
- Start your week by having some fun and leaving with a couple of practical ideas to do!
Interactive components
Participants will spend fifty percent of the time in this workshop doing exercises with one another or working on their own personal action plans.
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) is the premier not-for-profit organization dedicated to the journey of continuous improvement and enterprise excellence. AME’s membership is composed of a trusted network of volunteers who are committed to leveraging the practitioner-to-practitioner and company-to-company shared-learning experience. Through engaging workshops, plant tours, webinars, summits and industry-leading conferences, AME members are continually discovering and implementing new continuous improvement strategies and best practices. AME offers its members a multitude of valuable resources to help them stay abreast of current industry developments and improve the skills, competitiveness and overall success of their organizations.
Michael Bremer has had opportunities to travel around the world and work with companies in many different countries. One thing that overlaps in all the places he has traveled is that people want to feel they matter. It doesn't matter if we are talking to home healthcare providers, an assembly line worker, a software developer, a machinist or a CEO; they all seek:
- Respect from their boss, their co-workers (peers) and a sense of dignity
- Meaning in their life and to live for something bigger than self
- Pride in what they do and to have an impact, "I matter, I make a difference."
People also typically want opportunities to discover their capabilities and self-development opportunities. Approximately 5%-10% of the companies in any given industry are highly effective at improving; most do an average job of getting better. Wouldn't it be cool if we could turn 5%-10% into 10%-20%? That is Michael Bremer's goal (in his semi-retirement mode): to play a role in making that shift happen.
Michael Bremer is an author, semi-retired from business in 2018. He has collected a variety of experiences over the years, including holding the positions of director of productivity improvement and director of information systems for Beatrice Foods. He is a past chief financial officer and Board member of the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME). He was also president of the Cumberland Group, a global consulting company in Chicago, for 28 years. Bremer served as adjunct faculty for the University of Chicago’s Graham School for a 15-year period and as a senior mentor at a new business start-up incubator focused on manufacturing (mHub Chicago). Bremer currently leads AME’s excellence award activities.