Kaas Tailored 
Intermediate level
Theme: Coaching the practice of problem-solving together

Together + Excellence = Joyful

Building a joyful workplace through doing excellent work, together


Practitioner Presentation



In today’s fast-paced work environment, achieving a state where work feels as engaging and fulfilling as a hobby is a lofty yet attainable goal. This presentation explores the underlying factors that transform work from a mundane obligation into a source of joy and satisfaction. Central to this transformation is the concept of “flow.” We’ll discuss how the absence of joy is often a signal of underlying waste within processes and systems.

Furthermore, we’ll delve into the importance of clear system ownership and thoughtful system design. Effective system design not only supports the elimination of waste but also enhances overall workplace efficiency and employee satisfaction.

We will hear about five habits and tools within the Kaas Operating System that help them achieve joy on a daily basis:

  • Kaizen: Literally translated as change good, this is their tool to identify and solve problems
  • Culture training: Connects leaders and those who opt-in to its purpose and culture
  • Daily huddles: Tiered huddle where leaders work on the business together in flow
  • Veggie time:  A weekly habit that connects multi-disciplinary leaders for personal and team development toward desired behaviors and competencies while tending to tomorrow and day-after-tomorrow problems
  • MDT huddles: An opportunity to work on the top three business initiatives together with a multi-disciplinary team

Join us to discover how you can redefine the work experience!

Key learning objectives

  1. Hear real-world examples of imperfect people working together to make work feel more like hobby through working in flow.
  2. Learn the role of system design.
  3. “Have we clearly defined the outcomes we want?”
  4. “What small step can we take today to build the organization we need tomorrow?”


Kaas Tailored is a manufacturing facility located in Mukilteo, Washington. The company wants its workplace to be one of joy and learning, which is why it is committed to developing people through a culture of continuous improvement. To fund these efforts, it produces high-quality upholstered goods and design services for line-minded customers. https://kaastailored.com


Tucker Kaas is the learning and development manager at Kaas Tailored, where he is responsible for future-proofing the organization through the development of their people by instilling a mindset of perpetual growth and adaptability that keeps them resilient. With over 12 years of experience within the organization, he has spent time working in nearly every department. This has helped him develop the breadth of knowledge and empathy necessary to sustain and improve the Kaas operating system.